Purple Day 2023

About the project

For Purple Day 2023 I created the virtual event visual identity that included WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook banner images, profile picture, reels and static content, as well as zoom backgrounds.


Graphic Design
Community: Parkinson y Yo
(Medtronic Property)

Medtronic Employee Work
Year: 2023

Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

©2023 Medtronic. Reservados todos los derechos. Medtronic, el logo de Medtronic y Otros, son, en conjunto, marcas registradas de Medtronic. Todas las demás marcas son marcas registradas de una compañía de Medtronic.

Let’s talk?

Got a partnership idea, or a project you need help with? Shoot me a line and let's talk.